Ep. 13 - Creative Altruism

In this episode, I had the opportunity to talk with the one and only Andrew Martineau. Originally from Trinidad & Tobago, he attended the International Fine Arts College (now the Miami University of Art & Design) in 1995 and worked in creative in the Advertising field for several local and multinational advertising agencies for a number of years. As a visionary of the arts and community champion, who along with his team are elevating artists in South Florida, Andrew utilizes his background in public relations experience to give platform to up and coming artists. From hosting Art Fort Lauderdale to Zero Empty Spaces which provides small scale art studios, he is changing the way everyone experiences art.

In this episode we will discuss how he stumbled upon a local eatery showcasing Mezcals from a small farm in Mexico during the COVID lockdown of 2020. And it was meeting that artist, and learning about the spirit and passion they had, inspired Andrew to lever his prior experience to hold events for these artists and others looking to share their passion with the world. This episode could be summed up by saying that Andrew’s passion fuels his every move and I promise you will want to be a part of it.